Thursday, June 12, 2008

Redefining Creamy Layer in India

Indian Government is in its process to redefine the definition of Creamy layer in Other Backward Cates (OBC) after Supreme Court of India ordered to keep creamy layer from quota in higher education its recent decision.

On Wednesday National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) has decided to enhance creamy layer income criteria some thing between 4-6 lakh per annum from present Rs/- 2.5 lakh.

My views

On which ground you are asking reservation that is important if you going for it on economical criteria than redefinition should be on the basis of social upliftment not only the basis of economics purely.

On other side if some one asks quota on economical basis that this definition can be ok.

Problem in India is there are no social indicators which can suggest the social development of a citizen’s thus only economical status is applied to gauge the social development not other.

Are Indian government agreed that every OBC earning beyond Six lakh INR per annum is fully socially developed?

I think answer will be??????

So apart from only economical there should be social yard stick while redefining Creamy layers in OBC.

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