Tuesday, July 26, 2022

अक्स अपना आईने में उतार कर

मेरे सपनो मे आ कर तूने मुझ पर बड़ा एहसान किया हैं. 
सूरत तो तूने छिपा ली हिजाब में, पर सिरत दिखा कर लूट ली हैं मेरी जान तूने अक्स अपना आईने में उतार कर,

Monday, May 4, 2020

तू देखती रही मेरा रास्ता हर कदम कदम पर

                तू देखती  रही मेरा रास्ता हर कदम कदम  पर 

तू छोड़ कर चली आई सारी दुनिया को मेरी एक छोटी सी इतिजा पर
मैं इतना भी बेगैरत नही की तेरी इस अदा को भी ना समझू

मैं तो बहका मदकसे की मदहोशी में
लेकिन तू तो गिरी है बार बार बार मुझे मदकसे  से घर लाते लाते

मैं तो हूं रास्ते का एक पत्थर जो हर रोज  राहगीरो को मारे ठोकर
लकिन तू तो है एक मूरत एक इबादतगाह की जो हर ठोकरजदा दिखाये सकून की राहे

मैं तो पीता गया हर  दिन तेरे दम के सिए पर
पर   तू देखती  रही मेरा रास्ता हर कदम कदम  पर 

Friday, May 1, 2020

मेरी इबादत को खुदा बनादे

मैं  तराजू मे तूल कर भी बिना भार का  ही रहा
तू चाहे जिस किसी को मनो का बना दे 

मैं  मन से भी बोझल हूं और तन से भी बेहाल 
तू चाहे किसी को भी आँचल बना दे 

मेरा आँचल तो भरा हैं धूल ही धूल से 
तू चाहे तो किसी  की चरणों की धूल को किसी का सिंदूर बना दे 

मेरी मॉँग भी तरसती हैं किसी के सिँदूर को पाने को 
तू  चाहे तो किसी सुहागिन को नौलाखा मँगवा दे 

मैं लाखों कमा कर भी लाश बन कर ही रहा 
तू चाहे तो किसी फ़क़ीर की तकदीर बना दे 

ए खुदा मेरी किस्मत में तेरी इबादत  के बिना कुछ और ना हो 
तू चाहे तो मेरी इबादत को खुदा बनादे  तू चाहे तो मेरी इबादत को खुदा बनादे 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

काश मैं लाश ना होता

काश मैं लाश ना होता  तो आज मैं आकाश होता 
गर मैं आकाश  होता तो मैं सारे प्यार और तकरारो के बंधनों  से आज़ाद होता 

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Nuclear Analytical Techniques to Solve Criminal Cases

Vienna (ABC Live): Nuclear Analytical Techniques : Helping to solve criminal cases, identify art forgery and catch food adulteration are the goals of a new research project using nuclear techniques.
Experts from around the world, representing both practitioners of nuclear analytical techniques as well as forensic science stakeholder communities, met in Vienna last week to discuss the objectives of a new Coordinated Research Project on utilizing nuclear analytical techniques in forensic science. The project aims to determine how existing forensic methods can be complemented by the use of nuclear techniques to aid the work of police investigators, courts and customs officials.
The project, which will be four years in length, is divided into three main areas of focus: glass analysis, food authentication and cultural heritage. Nuclear analytical techniques may be effective tools for a variety of forensic purposes, such as the analysis of glass shards from a crime scene to support the prosecution of hit-and-run cases, the examination of food composition to detect adulteration and the investigation of art forgery.
“This is the first Coordinated Research Project that the IAEA has been involved in that focuses on the use of ion beam accelerators and research reactors for forensic analysis,” said Aliz Simon, an IAEA nuclear physicist specializing in accelerators. “We aim to identify new practical applications for these technologies, build capacity and facilitate networking in this area.”  The project will also develop synergies between accelerator and research reactor techniques for forensic purposes, she added.
During the week-long research coordination meeting, physicists from several countries described the nuclear analytical techniques they have used in case studies to determine their feasibility for forensic applications. The techniques, including particle-induced x-ray emission (PIXE) and neutron activation analysis (NAA), have been used to analyse the elemental composition of paintings as well as the origin of glass samples, among other applications.
“There is great potential to interact with forensics practitioners to assess their needs and see how better solutions can be developed,” said Marco Musumeci, a programme officer with the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI). UNICRI could support the needs assessment phase and engage stakeholders in support of this project, he added.
The project participants formed three working groups and established a work plan to be carried out over the next four years. They will meet again in 18 months to review progress on the endeavour.
Dinesh Singh Rawat Views:
This is innovative technology to assist administration of justice in delivering Justice and should be adopted  in the interest of justice and proper filed trials.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Read Nuclear Suppliers Group’s Public Statement on Seoul Plenary Meeting

The twenty-sixth Plenary Meeting of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) 1 , chaired by
Ambassador Song Young-wan of the Republic of Korea, was held in Seoul, Korea, on 23 and 24
June 2016.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, H.E. Yun Byung-se, welcomed the
Participating Governments on behalf of the Korean Government, reaffirmed his country’s strong
support for NSG activities and noted the significant contribution of the NSG to global efforts to
counter ever evolving nuclear threats, thus substantially reinforcing the spirit and purposes of the
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The Foreign Minister also
highlighted the importance of the thorough implementation of UNSCR 2270 (2016) for the
resolution of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) nuclear issue and asked the
NSG to continue its efforts to cut off the DPRK’s access to its nuclear program’s supply chain.
Within the framework of the NSG’s mandate, the Group expressed its concerns regarding
continued global proliferation activities and reaffirmed its determination to continue to cooperate
closely in order to deter, hinder and prevent the transfer of controlled items or technology that
could contribute to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. Participating
Governments reiterated their firm support for the full, complete and effective implementation of
the NPT as the cornerstone of the international non-proliferation regime.
Deploring the nuclear test conducted on 6 January 2016 by the DPRK, the Participating
Governments reconfirmed their commitment to UNSCRs 1718 (2006), 1874 (2009), 2087 (2013),
2094 (2013) and 2270 (2016) which strongly condemned the DPRK’s challenge to the nuclear
non-proliferation regime and underlined that export of all controlled items within the NSG to the
DPRK is prohibited according to the abovementioned resolutions.
The NSG welcomed the announcement on 16 January 2016 of the Implementation Day of the
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Following up on the Extraordinary Plenary held
on 21 January and 26 April this year, the NSG expressed interest in continuing to be briefed by
the Procurement Working Group coordinator on the procurement channel established under the
JCPOA and UNSCR 2231 (2015) as appropriate. The NSG agreed to keep this under active consideration.
Participating Governments called upon all States to exercise vigilance and to ensure effective implementation of all UNSCRs relevant to the work and purposes of the NSG.
The NSG had discussions on the issue of “Technical, Legal and Political Aspects of the of non-NPT States in the NSG” and decided to continue its discussion.
At the Plenary meeting, the NSG also
• maintained its focus on technical issues important to the implementation of the Control Lists by exchanging views and agreeing on a number of proposals to clarify and update the NSG Control Lists and Guidelines;
• discussed and reaffirmed  the importance of balancing confidentiality with transparency in NSG activities; and the significance of updating the NSG Guidelines to keep pace with the evolving global security landscape and a fast-paced nuclear and nuclear-related industry.
• welcomed the growing number of States that have harmonized their national export control systems with the NSG Guidelines and Control lists;
• discussed options for enhancing outreach such as dedicated briefings for and meetings with interested non-NSG partners on the work of the Group;  increased visibility of the NSG at appropriate international meetings to improve public awareness about the work and mission of the Group; and a dedicated response to non-NSG partners seeking assistance and practical experience in developing, updating, strengthening and implementing national export control systems; and
• shared information on all aspects of the 2008 Statement on Civil Nuclear Cooperation with India and discussed the NSG relationship with India.
The NSG Plenary invited all nuclear supplier states to express their responsible approach to nuclear exports by adhering to the NSG Guidelines.
Finally, the NSG confirmed that Switzerland will assume the Chairmanship of the NSG from 2017 to 2018 and welcomed Switzerland’s plans to host the next Plenary.
About Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)
  The NSG is a Group of 48 nuclear supplier countries that seeks to contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons through the implementation of two sets of Guidelines for nuclear exports and nuclear-related exports (see www.nuclearsuppliersgroup.org). Currently the participating Governments of the NSG are Argentina, Australia,Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Latvia,Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States. The European Commission and the Chair of the Zangger Committee participate as permanent observers.
Click for Original Statement of Nuclear Suppliers Group 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

How to Mitigate the Toxicity Level in Human Body?

The rapid urbanization and its shortcuts lifestyle have sharply hiked the toxicity level in Human Body thus created a situation where natural equilibrium gifted by Nature has been badly disturbed. The immune system of body comes under great stress as all systems provided in Human body have to work out of their capacities to keep the body moving.
Before we know how to mitigate the toxicity level in Human Body lets Know how our body gets these and which are the body parts/systems responsible for the same. To know my query I met Dr. P D. Gupta, a Ambala Based allopath doctor who has the successfully treated thousands Thyroid Eye Diseases (TED) patients by his naturopathy researches explained me the science behind this aspect of our human body.
There are three body systems through which a Human Body can intake Pesticides/ Insecticides/ Air pollution.
1.    Mouth( Digestive system)
2.    Lungs ( Respiratory  system)
3.    Skin ( Sensory System)
Also, there are Three systems through which Human Body tends to get rid of unwanted toxicity to keep natural equilibrium among all systems present in our body to work as a unit.
1.    Kidneys, Liver, Skin (Excretory system)
2.    Lungs, Nose (Respiratory System)
3.    Digestive system
The first defence against toxicity is that we can keep check over these three doors of our body by avoiding Pesticides/ Insecticides injected food, polluted air and not touching toxic substances.
The second guard against toxicity is regular cleansing of organs/systems responsible for getting out toxicity from our body like Kidneys, Liver, Skin (Excretory system), Lungs, Nose (Respiratory System) and (Digestive system).
First protection is a open fact can be drawn but not beneficial in case our body already has got diseases out of the over toxicity, as in present scenario most of us have past the stage of first defence thus we have left with option to know about the ways to get toxicity by cleansing the systems that only through natural ways not by medication as it will additionally burden our body with extra toxicity.
The million dollars question is what the practical ways for cleansing the organs/systems responsible for getting out toxicity from our body and how regular it could be done and under whose recommendation?
That in next blog I will explain how Dr. Gupta has opened my eyes by taking me into deep in human body science and its natural ways to keep itself in balance, before I can understand the concept behind the ways to clean the systems responsible for removing toxicity from the human body.

   Dr. P. D Gupta can be access via his official website www.tedcure.com